Harvesting & Haulage
A solution for the future
Our passion for the mechanical green harvesting of sugar cane stems from our commitment to sustainable farming and agricultural practices. This complex and considered process is undertaken by our outfit of specialised machinery during our harvesting season from April - December. With mechanical green sugar cane harvesting, the sharp blades of the John Deere CH3520 cut the standing cane stalks from the ground, and transfer them into a loading bin. The cane is then cut into billets by the harvester and excess cane residue is discharged to the ground to form the trash blanket for the next seasons crop.
Estimated CO2 Emissions from green harvesting and mechanical harvesting
Our Dezzi H90T 4×4 Hauler Tractor working alongside the CH570 during a green harvest.
Farming for sustainability
The benefits of Green Harvesting:
Green house gas emissions cut by an estimated 32.43%
Trash blankets created prevent weed growth and improve water filtration.
Green harvesting is kinder to ecosystems and habitats within the sugar cane.
Decreases the risks of respiratory diseases caused by pollutants related to cane burning.